Every person deserves to have their voice heard; to know that they matter. We stand up for those whose voice may otherwise get lost in an overburdened system.
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Donate NowVolunteer Now[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates trains and mobilizes community volunteers to advocate and make a difference for abused and neglected children in foster care. They stand up for them. Speak up for them. Champion without compromise for what’s in their best interest. Become a CASA. The Voice for a Child. Men and
Disaster Services
Disaster Case Management “Guiding survivors to their recovery by nurturing resilience” The Disaster Case Management Program provides direct case management services to disaster survivors and their families through advocacy, information and referral, crisis intervention services, and recovery services. Camp Fire Reach us directly by calling 530.685.5732 or emailing Our Camp Fire Disaster Case Management
Immigration Legal Services
The Immigration Legal Services Program offers limited legal immigration services to foreign born individuals and their families with a broad spectrum of immigration needs, most of who reside in Tehama County. The Immigration Legal Services Program helps to strengthen families, lift families out of poverty, raise new Americans and new voters, and strengthen American society. The NVCSS
Promotores Program enhances the quality of life for families by promoting mental health and well-being by using a strength-based approach to empower families when delivering services. Services are available to Latino and Hmong communities of Chico, Gridley and Biggs and are free, voluntary, and there are no income eligibility requirements. Promotores identifies community needs while